Don't get trapped by the oldest joke in their town. There is no God is one phrase that makes the Devil happen every time. So, let there be light my ass. There is no form. Just energy. What we see as form is only the HARNESSED energy from an enormous ocean of unbounded energy, not some limited spectrum of just a portion of it.

Eyes, consciousness through mental focus held in hypnosis, and this thing called faith have fooled God all along – all TRAP energy. Leary said it best really. Tune In. Not everything they say is a drug could be natural too. That's the problem with entheogens, ecstasy ruptures stasis but only for so long. Gotta come down sometime. But you don't really go up do you? You sort of go deep really. And when you do the skin slips away. It's not that you want to feel high, your goal is to escape the stasis and feel the energy of All.
All the vices of this world are based on powerful magic.
This magic was always your gift but you want so much it's gravity instead: to be used for your magic not use it yourself. Because if it's used you won't do tricks. Because if you do catch on and wake, Watch Out.